VC Page – no longer used

Management Advisory Service

Volunteer Consultant Resources

A Resource Library has been created for use by MAS Volunteer Consultants. You’ll find a number of folders in it broken out by subject area.  Some of these folders have further sub-folders by kind of document, or by sub-topic.  Most importantly, there is a separate folder which provides an annotated description of every document contained in the library.  The Annotated Listing is intended to help users of the library identify what and where resources are.  We recommend perusing it before navigating the library.

To directly access the Resource Library Annotated Listing click here.

Please note: Any Volunteer Consultant who come upon helpful resources, research or papers can forward them to the MAS office to be added to the Library at any time.  This way we can continue to share with each other and keep up to speed on new thinking and approaches.

MAS Resource Library Topic Folders

  2. Strategic Planning
  3. Governance
  4. Information Technology
  5. Fundraising Library
  6. Marketing/Communication
  7. Human Resources/Coaching
  8. Finance
  9. Program Outcome and Evaluation

To access the full MAS VC Resource Library click here.


In addition to the Resource Library there are a number of documents and folders for ‘internal’ use by Volunteer Consultants on the VC Support Centre.

MAS Volunteer Consultant Support Folders

  1. Volunteer Consultants referral requests for legal assistance (guideline)
  2. Volunteer Consultant Learning Program
  3. VC Handbook
  4. MAS General Information
  5. Project Forms – short cut to the  Project Close Form
  6. VC Bios and Skills
  7. Virtual Consulting


To access the VC Support Centre click here.

When using any documents in the MAS VC library, please download a clean copy to your computer for use. Do not modify the original files.




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