MAS Publications

MAS Client Survey Results – July 2021


MAS Client Survey Results:
Resilience and adaptability are common themes among responding organizations. A majority have made adjustments to their operations due to the pandemic. Many organizations note they still face critical issues. For more details check out the survey results report.


Strategic Planning Presentation


Strategic Planning presentation:
This presentation will guide you through the steps for Strategic Planning.



Fundraising Bootcamp


Fundraising Bootcamp for EDs of small nonprofits:
This booklet is the minimum an ED needs to know to get started in fundraising. EDs of small nonprofits need to identify their key donor segments, pick one fundraising activity and do it well.




Incorporation Package for new NFPs



Incorporation package for NFPs:

This package of information is directed at new startup NFPs. It includes useful links, templates and information for new charities and not for profits.




Marketing Bootcamp


Marketing Bootcamp for EDs of small nonprofits:
This booklet is the minimum an ED needs to know to get started in marketing. EDs of small nonprofits need to create a consistent brand for their website and promotional materials and audit yearly.




Recruiting a NFP Board of Directors


Recruiting a Board of Directors:
This presentation provides useful tips and information for recruiting an effective board of directors for your charity or not for profit.




External Trends

Mrkt Research

In addition to understanding your NFP/charity itself, many of our clients look at their competition, partners, and marketplace trends in order to conduct a situational analysis as part of the strategic planning process. For board members who may not be immersed in the sector area they volunteer for, a look at cultural, demographic, social / natural trends, technological advances, economic situations or even political / legal factors help set the context for future planning. Here is an example of some of the trends NFP’s and charities could consider as they analyze the factors important for their decision making.

Marketing Self-Audit for Mid-sized Charities



How can your marketing department work smarter? Is there a way to work more cost-efficiently? Do a marketing audit. You can analyze the art, the science and the people of your marketing. You can perform the audit yourself, or ask MAS to audit you.



See how you can improve your Revenue Efficiency Report with this useful short video.


Marketing Research for MAS Clients

Mrkt Research

This short paper outlines the types and uses of market research for not for profits and how MAS can help you.



Skilled Volunteers Part 1


How nonprofits can recruit and manage Skilled Volunteers:
A skilled volunteer is a volunteer who helps management with specific expertise e.g. HR, strategy, marketing. Skilled volunteers fill a gap and bring an outside perspective. Read this booklet to access skills, pro bono, from professionals in your neighbourhood.



Skilled Volunteers Part 2


Orientation for Skilled Volunteers:
Any time a professional starts to volunteer, they have to learn the nonprofit industry on their own. This booklet contains the stats and the “soft stuff”, so that they can start giving back faster. Share with all your Skilled Volunteers.




Identifying Common Governance Problems


This checklist should be completed by Executive Directors and board Chairs to identify potential Governance problem areas. For assistance fill in our Request for Assistance form here and MAS can help by advising on Governance.



Identifying Common HR Problems


This checklist should be completed by any staff to identify potential HR problem areas. For assistance fill in our Request for Assistance form here and MAS can help by advising on HR and organizational issues.



Common Marketing and Fundraising Questions

This checklist should be completed by Executive Directors to diagnose if you have marketing or fundraising problems. MAS can help you. Fill in our Request for Assistance form here



Start Your Own Non Profit

If you have an idea that you think can help others but you don’t know where to start, this MAS booklet will give you the five paths you can take to start your organization and give you links to other resources to help you along the way.






View a Volunteer Toronto video presentation on How to Manage Skilled Volunteers by Lelia MacDonald: