How do I prepare my charity for an Estate Giving Program?

With approval to proceed we would recommend that the staff member responsible for the program join the Canadian Association of Gift Planners .  CAGP has a chapters across Canada and attending local chapter seminars/education events  will both increase your knowledge base and connect you with other individuals and organizations doing similar work.

We would recommend that a small core team of people be assembled as the first step in the establishment of your estate giving committee. The team should include one or two members from the Board, a long term loyal donor, a local general practice or estates lawyer and your bank’s account manager. Each would bring a professional perspective about estate giving from a donor’s perspective.

You may also wish to consider subscribing to Canadian planning giving periodicals/podcasts (both free and by subscription) published by Hilborn.

With basic knowledge you should considering attending CAGP’s one day Gift Planning Fundamentals  seminar which provides a good base knowledge. For in-depth knowledge (assuming available time and budget) consider attending “Original” Gift Planning Course which is one of the longest running (since 1990) and respected courses on philanthropy in Canada.

 Have questions or want to discuss setting up an Estate Giving Program?  Click here to request assistance from MAS.

Coming up next: Launching an Estate Giving Program

Some of our happy clients

Amazing Support

Thank you for the amazing support that you provided us during the past year for our Strategic Planning and Performance Management System.

Kristin Griffith
Executive Director, Harmony Hall

Absolutely Amazing

The ArtHeart Board has approved the strategic plan and is in the process of setting up committees and actually doing the items within the plan — so it's underway. You were absolutely amazing in guiding us through the process.

Seanna Connell
Co-Chair, ArtHeart Community Art Centre

Fantastic Job

MAS has done a fantastic job of facilitating working sessions that have resulted in real agreement and results. I would highly recommend MAS to any agency seeking support for this type of work.

Anne Babcock
COO at WoodGreen