Our second blog in our Coaching series clears up any misconceptions.
What Coaching Is
Coaching is a confidential, customized, flexible one-on-one interaction between an objective, third party (the Coach) who is external to the organization, and the individual (the Manager) who makes major decisions that impact the organization, has managerial responsibility, and wants to learn and grow.
Through a series of straightforward, supportive discussions, the coaching process helps individuals to set and achieve their goals to grow and develop, both personally and professionally.
What Coaching Isn’t
Coaching isn’t therapy
Therapy goes into depth about personal issues dealing with the past, while coaching is more action–oriented and focuses mainly on the present and future. Therapy deals with the treatment of emotional disorders/mental health problems, while coaching supports the professional growth of individuals utilizing their strengths and capabilities.
Coaching isn’t a personal friendship
It’s a business relationship, working toward achieving mutually agreed upon business goals. Coaches provide objective, strong feedback on personal, performance career and organizational issues. The dynamics of a personal friendship typically inhibit this type of feedback.
Coaching isn’t a social conversation
To be a productive and efficient process, the series of meaningful, relevant discussions should be results-oriented, focusing on addressing the specific issues at-hand, which usually are not dealt within a busy, high-pressured workplace.
Coaching isn’t mentoring
Mentoring is a process led by an authority/expert within the organization who provides advice and direction based on his/her own relevant work experience. The Coach is an external, unbiased person who may not have the specific industry knowledge and experience, but acts as a partner to help individuals generate their own solutions/actions through a supportive, self-discovery approach.
Have questions or need help with Coaching? Click here to request assistance from MAS.
Next week we will advise on what to look for in a Coach.